Missing Tooth: What You Should Know About

missing tooth

Most people realize they should visit a dentist regularly. Perhaps it has been longer than it should have since you visited our office in Roseville. If that is the case, you may have a dental issue that needs assistance.

Going without a dentist visit can cause serious issues, and you may suffer from one of those problems. This could include a loose or even a missing tooth. If that is the case, don’t worry, we can assist in restoring the smile that you may be missing.

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What Are the Benefits of Fixing a Missing Tooth?

Missing a tooth can be an embarrassing issue. It can also be embarrassing to go to the dentist after you haven’t been to see them in a long time.

If you find yourself in this situation, don’t worry. There is no reason to feel embarrassed when you visit your dentist. They want to help and know what it takes to fix any issue with the missing tooth. If you wait out of embarrassment, you are just compiling problems rather than getting them fixed.

Any healthy teeth left behind can suffer when you have a missing tooth. Take a moment to consider some of the benefits associated with fixing a missing tooth:

  • Regain your confident and beautiful smile once again
  • When you have chewing issues because of the missing tooth, they can be corrected
  • Keep the natural face shape you already have
  • Correct the function of your natural bite
  • Keep your healthy teeth from shifting or suffering

These benefits are only the tip of the iceberg. Contact a dentist today, and they will help you to see all that fixing the missing tooth can give to you.

Common Replacement Options for Missing Teeth

Each person will have their own desire for a missing tooth replacement. There are numerous options, so you can choose from the following:

Dental Implant for One Tooth

One of the top ways to restore your smile is to replace the missing tooth with a dental implant. It offers the most natural look compared to other options.

Once the dental implant is in place, it will work the same way as the lost tooth. It is even attached to your tooth’s natural roots, so your jaw bone will maintain density.

In other words, the natural shape of your face and jaw will remain intact. It also keeps any other teeth from being impacted negatively.

A tooth-colored crown that is customized to your smile will be provided with your tooth implant. Any food you enjoyed before you lost your tooth can continue to be enjoyed. When a tooth implant is maintained correctly, it could last a lifetime.

Dental Bridge for Gaps

If you lose one or more teeth, a dental bridge can be constructed to help bridge the gap. It is customized according to your particular needs.

To support the bridge, healthy teeth on either side will support it. In other words, those teeth will be the anchors that hold the false teeth in place. The gap will be filled and secured with those healthy teeth.

It is also possible to support a bridge with an implant. Your dentist can discuss the perfect solution for your needs.

False Teeth (Dentures)

When several teeth are missing, dentures become a standard solution. They can work quite well because they bring your smile back to a pristine level and help you to gain confidence.

It doesn’t matter where the teeth are missing in your mouth. Dentures can provide a suitable replacement. They work equally as well in the mouth’s lower and upper areas.

Your dentist can customize the dentures to look natural. They will look just like any other natural teeth you still have.

If you would like a free consultation, contact Miners Ravine Dental Group. We can look into the condition of your teeth and provide a solution that will offer optimal benefits for you and your smile. We also work within your budget, so give us a call today to get started on your way to a great smile.