Common Dental Procedures

Common Dental Procedures

It’s safe to say that everyone will experience dental problems at some point in their lives. You might notice that your gums look red while flossing or wake up with a toothache. Perhaps you’ve realized that your breath has been less than fresh lately. Either way, chances are you’re confused about what’s going on and whether you should get a dental appointment.

Miners Ravine Dental Group always encourages patients to schedule a visit if they are experiencing an issue with their dental health. Still, it’s understandable that some people like to do a little more research themselves to know what to expect.

Table of Contents

Five Common Dental Issues

encounters different dental problems daily, but generally speaking, the following are the five most common types of dental issues:

  1. Toothaches. These are easily the most popular reasons patients seek dental care. Toothaches can range from an annoying itch to an excruciating level of pain. Nonetheless, all toothaches require a dental visit, and moderate to severe pain is considered a dental emergency.
  2. Tender or bleeding gums. If you notice your gums are bleeding a bit while brushing and flossing or feel tender, you could be at the initial stages of gingivitis or gum disease. If the gums are bleeding significantly, swollen, or feeling pain, you should get checked by a dentist right away.
  3. Tooth sensitivity. This can feel like a toothache, with the difference being that it mostly happens after exposing your teeth to something cold or hot. Tooth sensitivity is usually a result of worn enamel or some form of tooth damage, like a small cavity.
  4. Bad breath. Bad breath is not just about vanity. It could be linked to untreated gum disease or untreated tooth decay. In fact, if you notice a metallic smell in your breath, it could be your body telling you that you have a more serious condition, like a kidney issue. For this reason, a drastic, sudden change in your breath should be evaluated by a dentist or any other healthcare provider.
  5. Damaged or chipped tooth. Cracks, chips, or breaks happen to teeth. While a minor chip on the edge of a tooth might just be a cosmetic concern, a larger crack, chip, or other damage will usually require dental evaluation. Plus, what might appear as a small chip could be large enough to affect the entire tooth.

All in all, some dental problems are more serious than others. A good rule of thumb to adhere to is if something unusual happens, you should always consult with your dentist about it.

What Are the Four Common Dental Emergencies?

Dental emergencies are quite common, and they typically involve some form of trauma to the teeth, jaw, or gums. Some incidents could be so severe that they need a trip to the emergency room. It’s, therefore, crucial that you don’t delay treatment and seek help as soon as the trauma occurs.

The Miners Ravine Dental Clinic treats a wide range of dental emergencies, from raging toothaches to surprise broken teeth. The following are the four most common reasons patients seek emergency dental care:

  1. Knocked-out tooth. It might have happened while playing your favorite sport or by an unexpected facial impact. If you ever find yourself in such a situation, try not to panic. If a tooth is loose, try to keep it in its socket to prevent it from falling out. You can simply bite down the tooth gently to hold it in place. If the tooth is knocked out completely, find it and pick it up by the crown. Rinse or wipe off any dirt or debris. You could try putting the tooth back into the socket. If that’s not an option, place it in milk to prevent it from drying out. Call your dentist immediately or visit your nearest emergency room once you’ve realized a tooth has been knocked out.
  2. Cracked or broken tooth. These could happen when biting down on hard objects, bumping into something hard, or due to any other accident. The fractured tooth can be treated, but you want to contact your dentist immediately after the accident. Be sure to bring the pieces of the broken tooth with you, as it will ensure that you can keep your natural teeth intact and avoid needing a bridge procedure.
  3. Dental abscess. This is a pocket of pus around a tooth caused by an infection. The infection could be caused by an ignored injury, cavity, or dental work. You should contact your dentist immediately to get rid of the infection and prevent more serious problems.
  4. Severe toothache. If you’re experiencing excruciating tooth pain, it’s advisable to consult with your dentist. They can help you find safe ways to get rid of the pain and figure out its exact cause. Keep in mind that some toothaches could be associated with a medical problem involving the nasal and ear tissues. And while painkillers may offer temporary relief, a proper diagnosis can help you avoid further complications and address the issue properly.

What Are Common Dental Procedures?

Basic or common dental procedures are simply those that dentists generally perform all the time. If a person has a dental issue, it can probably be addressed by one or more of the following treatments:

  • Teeth Cleanings. These are relatively discomfort-free professional cleaning procedures done at the dentist’s office. Most dentists recommend teeth cleaning twice a year or at least once a year. Either way, these are an important part of oral health that will keep your teeth shiny, healthy, and strong for longer.
  • Teeth Whitening. Just as with cleaning, teeth whitening is a discomfort-free process offered at the dental office. In most cases, dentists use a special gel and special light source to whiten teeth much faster compared to home kits.
  • Tooth Extraction. These may not be the most pleasant of procedures. However, your dentist will do everything they can to help make you feel comfortable and avoid a lot of pain. You will likely be thoroughly numbed or unconscious during the procedure, so you won’t feel a thing!
  • Fillings. Cavities are quite common, and a filling may be recommended to address some. Fortunately, a filling is a quick procedure that only takes a few hours. You will also likely be numbed during the process, and you’ll be good as new.
  • Veneers. If your teeth are discolored, or a bit crooked, veneers might be a great way to address it. They are thin coverings usually placed over the frontal part of the tooth. While they are mainly used for correcting crookedness, they can be used for whitening too.
  • Root Canal. This is one of the most dreaded common dental procedures used to address problems such as deep cavities, cracked or broken teeth, and infections. The procedure involves killing the nerves of the tooth, removing the affected tissue, and filling the tooth with dental composite or replacing it with a crown.
  • Dentures. Dentures are used to replace teeth in a natural way and are characteristically removable. The fitting process is not that complicated, though it may take a while.

pexels cedric fauntleroy 4269694 1 scaled 1What Is the Most Complicated Dental Procedure?

Dental implants are arguably the most complex dental procedures. They are not among the common dental procedures as they are meant to replace real teeth more permanently. This involves performing minor oral surgery to place the implant onto the patient’s jawbone.

The process typically requires a few months and several procedures to complete. Plus, once in place, the implants need some time to integrate into place, which requires additional healing time. However, artificial teeth work just like real teeth, making the procedure worth it.

Avoid Dental Problems by Working with an Experienced Dentist

Keeping optimal oral health is a lifelong commitment. A dentist will work with you in caring for your teeth and gums properly. The American Dental Association recommends visiting your dentist twice a year for oral checkups and common dental procedures like cleanings. If you experience any teeth or gum issues, schedule an appointment with the Miners Ravine Dental team at Roseville, CA, today.