Are Teeth Whitening Possible With Sensitive Teeth?

Sensitive Teeth and Teeth Whitening

The fear of increased pain or sensitivity can lead to hesitation regarding teeth whitening for people with sensitive teeth. Fortunately, such people can whiten and brighten their smiles thanks to the available options. To learn more about how to get effective and safe teeth whitening with sensitive teeth and the main causes of tooth sensitivity, continue reading below.

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Tooth Sensitivity Causes

Discussing the main causes of tooth sensitivity is the best way to start things off. Normally caused by several factors, tooth sensitivity is a common condition affecting numerous people. Some of the main causes of teeth sensitivity include:

  • Recession Of Gums: An individual may experience tooth sensitivity when the dentin (sensitive part of their tooth) becomes exposed due to gum recession.
  • Erosion of The Enamel: The protective layer of the teeth is referred to as enamel. The sensitive dentin underneath is exposed when the enamel is eroded.
  • Tooth Decay: The development of cavities – especially close to the gum line – can lead to tooth sensitivity.
  • Grinding Teeth: Individuals can experience tooth sensitivity when the enamel is worn down due to teeth grinding.

Whitening Sensitive Teeth – The Options

People with sensitive teeth can still enjoy a glowing smile without any fear, thanks to the tips and options available to them. Some of the options to consider include:

  1. Before Treatment, Use Toothpaste Formulated For Sensitive Teeth: Strontium chloride and potassium nitrate are some of the toothpaste ingredients that can reduce tooth sensitivity. People with this condition should use such toothpaste. This type of toothpaste can help prepare teeth for whitening by reducing discomfort.
  2. Low-concentration Whitening Gel: Individuals can experience sensitivity due to the high-concentration gel in many whitening kits designed for home use. Fortunately, lower-concentration options that tend to be gentler on teeth are also available. For reduced sensitivity, look for products with a hydrogen peroxide composition that is 10 percent or lower.
  3. In-Office Whitening: In-office whitening may be the best option for people looking for fast and effective results or those suffering from severe sensitivity. The dentist can take measures to reduce sensitivity and still use a more powerful and highly effective whitening gel.
  4. Desensitizing Products: To counter teeth sensitivity before and after teeth whitening, consider using a fluoride or desensitizing gel. This might be the best approach to whitening without heightening sensitivity for people with sensitive teeth.
  5. Do Not Consume Foods And Beverages That Heighten Sensitivity: The consumption of certain drinks and foods, like coffee, soda, and fruits, can significantly heighten tooth sensitivity. Before and after teeth whitening, individuals suffering from sensitivity should avoid these foods for at least a few days.

Impact Of Teeth Whitening On Dentin Sensitivity

Some individuals may still experience sensitivity, mainly to cold and hot temperatures, temporarily after teeth whitening, even after taking the above precautionary measures. The main reason for this is the opening of the enamel pores, which helps break stains by allowing deeper penetration of the whitening gel. This resultantly increases sensitivity by exposing the dentin layer.

Usually, this is temporary and mild sensitivity – which only lasts no more than a few days. Getting fluoride toothpaste that strengthens the enamel, opting for desensitizing toothpaste, and steering clear of any cold or hot drinks and foods can help reduce sensitivity significantly. A stronger desensitizing treatment may be prescribed by your dentist in severe cases.

Other Factors To Consider

To ascertain the suitability of teeth whitening to their needs, people suffering from tooth sensitivity should seek advice from their dentist before undergoing treatment. There are many factors to consider other than sensitivity.

  • Any Previous/Existing Dental Work

While whitening is guaranteed to lighten your natural teeth, any existing dental work, like crows and fillings, will retain its appearance. Uneven discoloration or coloring can occur as a result. To ensure that the dental work matches the appearance of the recently whitened teeth, dentists may recommend replacing it.

  • Breastfeeding And Pregnancy

For breastfeeding or pregnant women, teeth whitening may not be the best idea. It is best to be cautious and put off whitening until after you have stopped breastfeeding or given birth, even though there is no decisive evidence that this procedure is dangerous during breastfeeding or pregnancy.

  • Drugs/Medications

Some medications, like antibiotics, can cause tooth discoloration. Teeth whitening may not be as effective in such cases. Before starting an in-office whitening procedure, individuals need to inform their dentist of any medicines they might be taking.

Contact Miners Ravine Dental Group For Professional Teeth Whitening

People don’t have to relinquish their dream of a whiter and brighter smile simply because they experience tooth sensitivity. Such individuals can whiten their teeth without pain or discomfort by using the right products and taking the recommended precautions. For a safe and effective teeth whitening product or procedure, individuals with sensitive teeth are encouraged to speak with their dentist in order to identify the best way forward.

Schedule an appointment at the Miners Ravine Dental Group office in Roseville, California, for in-office teeth whitening for sensitive teeth. To make sure that the treatment provides the best results, these professionals get things started with a comprehensive consultation. Furthermore, they help patients maintain a brighter smile for longer by providing aftercare instructions.