7 Simple Tips To Help You Maintain Your Dental Clear Aligners

dental clear aligners

Congratulations! You’ve made an excellent choice in choosing Invisalign® treatment to straighten your teeth and improve your smile. You’re well on your way to a smile that will show off your personality and teeth. It’s a very exciting time in your life. Invisalign®, in comparison to other methods of treatment for straightening teeth, is a very easy process, and it’s low maintenance. You won’t have to change much about your lifestyle at all. You’ll find that you forget you’re wearing your Invisalign® dental clear aligners.

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7 Tips To Maintain Your Dental Clear Aligners

That being said, our goal is to give you a healthy smile. Here are a few things that you’ll want to be aware of when you’re taking care of your Invisalign® clear aligners. These seven easy tips are designed to help you maintain your Invisalign® clear aligners.

1. Take your Invisalign® clear aligners when eating or drinking anything

One of the nicest things about choosing Invisalign® is that you can put them in and take them out yourself. You may even forget that you’re wearing them. They are much more comfortable than other forms of alignment. However, it’s important that you remove them before you eat or drink anything unless it’s just water. This will help to keep them working properly and avoid staining your Invisalign® clear aligners. It also will help reduce the risk of damage to your aligners.

Because they are customized, they are easy to put into and take out of your mouth. This will be very helpful if you’re dining out. You can easily remove your Invisalign® discreetly. You will find it more convenient and easier than ever before to maintain your Invisalign® clear aligners.

2. Keep your Invisalign® case with you so that you have a safe place to store them if you’re not using them because you are eating or drinking

You don’t want to shove them into a pocket or drop them into your purse; they could easily become damaged. If you’re not wearing them, just put them in their customized storage case. It will also help to keep them clean and free of any bacteria.

If you’re ever in a situation where you can’t use your Invisalign® case, it’s important to keep your aligners in a clean and dry location, not in your pocket or purse, where they can become dirty and full of bacteria.

3. For an easy way to clean your Invisalign®, use a soft-bristled toothbrush

Add some toothpaste and warm water, and gently clean your Invisalign®. Make sure to use gentle motions and brush areas with crevices to ensure you’re not leaving any bacteria or food particles on your Invisalign® clear aligners.

Take time to carefully brush your Invisalign® all over, and pay attention to areas where foods may become trapped. After gently brushing them, rinse them well in warm water, and you can continue your day.

4. Brush and floss your teeth just as you always have

Another method to help maintain your Invisalign® is to remember to continue brushing and flossing your teeth as normal. This will also help maintain your gums and teeth to remain healthy.

We suggest continuing to brush your teeth daily and using fluoride toothpaste. Don’t forget to floss before you brush your teeth. Establishing this habit will go far in helping you to maintain your teeth. It will soon become second nature and another part of your day.

5. Make sure you rinse your Invisalign® each time you take them out of your mouth

Every time you remove them, rinse them. This will help to reduce bacteria and food from lodging in your Invisalign®.

You may also wish to rinse your mouth and brush your teeth when you remove your Invisalign®. This can help to dislodge any bits of food or bacteria.

6. Avoid eating foods and drinks that can stain your teeth and Invisalign®

There are some foods that you may wish to avoid while you’re using Invisalign®. These include:

  • Tea
  • Coffee
  • Cola
  • Red Wine
  • Curry
  • Balsamic Vinegar
  • Soy Sauce

If you want to eat foods in the above list, remove your Invisalign® first and then rinse your mouth out before you put them back in. This can help to reduce staining on your Invisalign®. It will also help to reduce any residue that may be lingering on your teeth.

7. Make sure to visit your Invisalign® dentist regularly.

Lastly, to help maintain your Invisalign®, and your teeth and gums, it’s wise to visit your Invisalign® dentist regularly.

Your Invisalign® dentist will be able to make sure that your program for straightening your teeth is working well for you. They will also be able to spot any potential issues with your teeth. Always ask questions and understand what is best for your health when you visit your dentist. You can also attend virtual appointments for Invisalign®. This is sometimes more convenient for very busy people.

Following these tips makes it easy to maintain your Invisalign® clear aligners. Taking good care of your teeth, gums, and Invisalign® is important. By following these tips, you can ensure that your treatment will keep you on track to your new and improved smile.