We will be out of the office

Out Of The Office

We will be out of the office from December 21st to January 5th to reset and regroup for 2025.

Dear Valued Patients,

We hope this message finds you well! First and foremost, we want to express our heartfelt appreciation to all of our loyal patients who trust us with their oral health. We genuinely love what we do, and we love our patients. As the year draws to a close, we want to inform you of an important update regarding our office schedule. Our dental offices will be closed for the last two weeks of the year. This closure may impact your oral health if you have any pending issues. We strongly advise you to schedule any necessary appointments as soon as possible to ensure we can meet your oral health needs before the holidays.

Additionally, we want to remind you of the importance of using your dental insurance benefits before they expire. Dental benefits are “use it or lose it.” Please call us if you have any questions. Our team is here to help you maximize your benefits and plan. If you are unhappy with either the dental insurance benefits you currently have through your employer or a plan you secured personally, please talk to our team members about
our Plan For Health membership. This membership eliminates the 3rd party from our relationship. You will always know that the plan covers your routine oral health needs, and any extra prescribed treatment will be presented at your actual discounted cost. You can proceed knowing precisely what your financial commitment will be.

We’ve faced significant challenges in the past few years, including the pandemic, staffing shortages, and rising costs. Despite these obstacles, we’ve remained committed to providing top-notch care while keeping our practice private. Insurance reimbursements have remained stagnant or decreased while expenses have skyrocketed. Despite these difficulties, we’ve strived to stabilize our patients’ costs. Your support has been invaluable as we navigate these challenges.

Our commitment to providing the best care for our patients remains unwavering. We are temporarily closed to prioritize our team’s well-being so they can return in 2025 refreshed and ready to continue delivering the high-quality care you deserve, which is our top priority.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding. We look forward to finishing 2024 positively and healthily and starting 2025 fully refreshed and ready to provide our services with the professionalism you have
come to expect.


Warm regards,
Ashkan Alizadeh, DDS, MAGD