Porcelain Veneers: 5 Top Tips For Maintaining

We all want the best smile possible, and porcelain veneers provide an affordable and effective way to have it. With a small investment and a short drive to Miners Ravine Dental Group, you can have your confident smile back and ready for every social event.

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5 Tips for Maintaining Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers provide a makeover for your smile that is practically instantaneous. You also want the veneers to last as long as possible, so you should understand how to maintain them properly. Here are five ways to care for your veneers so they last a long time.

1. Don’t Forget Your Follow-Up Appointments

Having your veneers in place can be quite a relief, but don’t forget to continue with any follow-up visits. Your veneers have already made you look and feel great, but there is much more to do. The follow-up visit provides professional assistance. At the same time, skipping your appointments can lead to trouble.

Your dentist will want to check the veneers’ placement to ensure they are in the proper location. They will also check for complications.

Typically, the follow-up visit occurs within a few days after the veneers are put in place. You probably already have questions and concerns. This first follow-up visit is a great time to ask those questions. It will also be an excellent time to discuss maintenance, so your veneers are cared for in the best way possible.

2. There Are No Wrong Questions

You should bring up any concerns about your veneers or dental health at your follow-up visit. Those concerns could include any problems you have and habits that could affect your veneers.

Veneers can put up with some abuse, but if they are not cared for properly, they will eventually get damaged. Developing the proper habits may help your veneers to last for 20 years. Caring for your veneers also helps to avoid costly repairs, which we would all want to avoid.

Veneers are dependable and durable. They can enhance your smile in amazing ways.

3. Don’t Forget Routine Dental Care

Veneers will cover many flaws, but a good dental care routine helps the teeth under the veneers. It is crucial that you not skip this step.

Rather than eliminating the need for oral care, you will want to step up your game after the veneers are applied. When you invest in the proper dental care, you invest in your previous dental efforts.

To put it simply, you should be flossing and brushing every day. Make your oral care a priority by using the proper fluoride toothpaste.

4. Don’t Grind Your Teeth

It’s not uncommon for people to grind or clench their teeth at night. It’s an unconscious way to relieve stress and a bad habit that can damage your veneers. When you grind and clench your teeth, it causes damage to the surface of the veneers that are quickly visible.

Talk to your dentist if you are aware of a nighttime teeth grinding or clenching habit. He may provide you with a custom guard to keep the effect of this practice from affecting your smile.

5. Avoid the Wrong Foods

Your diet is also important when you have veneers in place. Certain foods can damage the veneers, so it is better to remove them from your diet.

There is a silver lining to this dark cloud. Most foods that can damage your veneers will also damage your natural teeth. Removing them from your diet helps in multiple ways. Chewing ice or hard candy are examples of things to be avoided.

A great smile can help you feel confident, but it will not take away all your stress. Many people who get veneers feel as if their life has improved because they can now smile openly in a social situation.

If you are ready to feel happier, confident, and even healthier, then investing in porcelain veneers may be the right choice. Many professionals agree that having veneers can help your smile to remain beautiful for many years.

When you are ready to upgrade your smile with porcelain veneers, contact Miners Ravine Dental Group. We can help you schedule your first appointment and discuss the veneers to enhance your smile. Call us today for your appointment or with any questions at (916) 784 3337.